free to heal

I have a scab on my knee. In the effort to slowly walk my Ducati through a tight turn while getting out of my own driveway, I leaned it over too far and it took me down. I lost control. My body weight was not sufficient to counter the fall. My leg was pinned and my...

the host

Who is it, looking out through these eyes? What entity has taken host in my body, in my mind? A mysterious stranger. A private, secret other occupying my every experience — tasting this world on my tongue. The sense that my life is not my own grows with every...

the nineteen-year keychain

I have the privilege of being in the company of my own earthly damon for the entrance into the ninth year of my sobriety — her twenty-ninth year. Iudita. A lean name, tripping the mouths that speak it without already knowing it. Mouths that prefer monosyllabic...

one in which confidence is placed

Trust:  Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. I sat beside a woman in a meeting last week who I’ve seen before many times. She is usually in her clothes from work, having come straight from there, although...

including now

Originating from and returning to Arizona. One dog’s story. I am reading a novel at the moment that touched on a very potent point that both myself and my dog of 12 years can relate to: The idea that we don’t come from places, but rather from events, from...


Now there’s a genuine tongue twister. We were wandering the cobble stone streets of Tapoztlan, Mexico, R and me, with the green mountains looming near, me checking out the store fronts and signs, absorbing the foreign words, fascinated with words as I am, when...