It’s Not Blood That Makes a Family

It’s Not Blood That Makes a Family

On our first date, Lucy told me that she was attending couples counseling with her husband. They were separated, but when they were together their marriage had been open. Recently healed from a broken heart—another married woman who, in the end, did not leave her...
Is this a fiction novel?

Is this a fiction novel?

There is a common ingredient to all writing I find most compelling: soul-baring honesty. This is true for both fiction and nonfiction. Most of what’s considered nonfiction is actually fiction, as it’s necessarily filtered through a perception shaped by...
Real Beauty / Real Tragedy

Real Beauty / Real Tragedy

The accepted convention of what makes a good story is what Joseph Campbell outlined and called The Hero’s Journey. Granted, Campbell argued that this story line, having been mined from the history of world myth and theology, is something hard wired into the...
Here’s What’s Wrong With This Country

Here’s What’s Wrong With This Country

I’ve historically kept to safe, although sometimes deeply personal topics here on my blog. But lately I’ve been much more political in my thinking than ever before. And although politics is not a safe topic, it suddenly became much more personal these past...